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Orange-bellied parrot, Melaleuca, TAS_GBB_0984smaller.jpg

Support the OBPs

Ways to help

Winter Survey Volunteers

After spending the breeding season in southern Tasmania, OBPs migrate north for the winter, heading up to the top of Tasmania and across the Bass Strait to coastal Victoria and South Australia. 

Widespread surveys are required to monitor and better understand the ecological needs of the species. Volunteers are crucial in helping us to collect this valuable data.

There are typically three winter surveys per year, held over a weekend in May, July and September.

Survey Dates 2024

May 18th & 19th

July 27th & 28th

September 14th & 15th

OBP Survey Tasmania Karen Dick

Contact Details

Contact the regional coordinator or volunteer organiser in your area to express your interest, receive further details or report suspected OBP sightings:

Contact and registration details for July and September 2024 surveys are to be confirmed.

Orange-bellied Parrot Recovery Team OBPRT Logo

©2024 by the National Orange-bellied Parrot Recovery Team. 

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